Why was PR your chosen career?
Without it sounding like the biggest cliché in the industry, I just happened to fall into PR unintentionally. I applied to study journalism at Leeds Beckett University but they replied telling me that the course was already full, heart-breaking stuff 😔. Instead, they offered me a place on the public relations course, so I snapped it up.
Once I started the course, my interest and enthusiasm towards the industry increased tenfold, I even went to the 9am lectures! During my uni years I gathered valuable experience at a local agency in Leeds before completing my degree (no thanks to the pandemic). Once I had a taste of agency life, I knew that this was the career path that I wanted to follow. With a degree in my hand, and possibly more ambition than I knew what to do with, I got my first full-time PR role, and the rest is history.
If you hadn’t chosen a career in PR, what would you be doing?
My big dream when I was younger was to be a footballer but unfortunately, my two left feet wouldn’t allow it. I always enjoyed writing in my English lessons and being creative, so I think a career in sports journalism would have been the perfect combination of the two.
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take.
If you won the lottery, how would you spend it?
The obvious answer is to give back to my family and donate to charity, which of course I would do. The more exciting answer is that I would purchase apartments in all of my favourite cities in the world and just jump from one to another with my partner whenever we felt like a change of scene. The perfect answer to living my best life.
Oh, and buy myself a really, really nice watch.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
I’ve had a fair few shockers when I was younger, but the worst was working the morning shift at a supermarket. I’d be getting up on a Saturday and Sunday morning at around 3am ready for my shift of stacking shelves, meaning that I was walking into work when my friends were just coming home having been on a night out or to a party. So, you can imagine that my social life was a barrel of laughs at that time!
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
It’s a very common answer but I would have to say a dog. I can rarely sit still meaning I have a lot of energy that I just need to get out, sometimes to the dismay of my loved ones when they’re trying to chill out.
If you could, would you live forever and why/why not?
Absolutely not, I don’t think it would be much fun going through life without my family and friends, so I’ll take a hard pass on that one thanks.
Who are your top three dream dinner party guests?
First off, I would have to invite the greatest actor and coolest man of all time, Matthew McConaughey, purely for the customary ‘alright, alright, alright’ as he greets me. Next, I would have Kevin Bridges to throw some hilarity into the mix and rounding off my perfect dinner party would be Michael Jordan, well because he’s Michael Jordan.
I understand this may not be the perfect blend of guests, but you can’t tell me it wouldn’t be a very interesting night.