Our approach

Vibrant content that stands your business out from the crowd is crucial to any successful B2B marketing strategy.

As a B2B content agency we see businesses fighting to yield increasing volumes of higher quality content outputs than ever before. While there are considerable benefits to this – not least increased marketing potential and brand awareness – ongoing content creation can be a daunting prospect, with many potential channels and the need for continual, up to date subject matter.

We can help you deliver regular content that engages your chosen audiences. We use our communications and industry expertise to develop effective content strategies and plans and create compelling B2B assets that ensure you get more messages across clearly.

Our work in this area

Creating content that generates leads

100% Group is a global retail installation and maintenance business with a strong commitment to sustainability. Working with high-profile brands across the world, they focus on the full lifecycle of a display, including initial design, packaging, transportation and end of life (which includes recycling, repurposing and regifting to charities or community groups).

Skout’s brief was to create a piece of engaging content that would drive traffic to 100% Group’s  website and increase the number of enquiries into the business. We designed a sustainability survey which went to 200 senior figures in the industry and produced a research report about the challenges the retail sector faces.

It didn’t stop there. We pulled together a full campaign around the report, which targeted key decision makers in retail marketing, both brands and agencies. This included blogs, emails, landing pages and social posts to feed into the lead generation machine.

Content campaign to boost SEO following a website redesign

Qbase helps organisations to realise the full value of their data assets and build their data infrastructure so that it can be used to provide insights and analytics to optimise automated customer journeys.

Having grown from being a company that originally simply compiled, managed and licensed marketing lists, its current services include business intelligence and analytics, data management and integration, and campaign orchestration.

Qbase was keen to boost its SEO rankings and ensure that it was coming up in searches that reflected its full capabilities. And so, we proposed a campaign to produce high-quality content in line with the keyword research.

We based our content programme around their four partners to showcase their software and demonstrate how Qbase could support its customers in using them. For each partner, we created a pillar blog covering an overarching topic that would sit on the Qbase website. This was linked to shorter related ‘cluster’ blogs that explored sub-topics in more detail. A social campaign was used to drive traffic towards them.

One of the partners was Apteco Marketing Suite, which analyses data to identify trends and audience segmentation. By addressing the features and benefits of the software, (and focusing on the end customer needs), our content achieved a high level of impact.

Opening minds to next generation technology

Teneo, a specialist integrator of next generation technology, tasked Skout with devising a UK and US-focused PR programme to raise awareness of both the company’s values and its insights into key business technology issues. As part of this, we identified the topics that Teneo was particularly keen to talk about, such as GDPR, which helped us pitch them to the media as a knowledgeable commentator on the issue just as it was becoming a hot topic.

Also, we conducted a survey of CIOs and took the various themes arising from it to use as hooks to generate further media coverage. 

Tackling e-waste

Leading circular IT provider, Stone Group, wanted to raise awareness of its IT asset disposal service and gamechanging IT recycling app, Stone 360, showcasing its fundamental commitment to reducing e-waste. 

Global e-commerce thought leadership

E-commerce software provider Sana Commerce briefed Skout to devise and deliver content marketing campaigns to position it as market and thought leader on B2B e-commerce, and drive demand for its solutions.

Helping a legal ‘accident helpline’ provider achieve growth

Customer acquisition specialist mmadigital was looking to position itself as a disruptive technology business in the legal sector, and approached Skout to help build B2B brand awareness, educate law firms around the benefits of its innovative services, and boost its employer brand to support future recruitment.

The future of employee benefits

Grass Roots Employee Solutions developed ‘Phonescheme’ – a cost effective route for employees to access a range of new smartphones. Skout was tasked with launching this new employee benefit to the HR, employee benefits, business, technology, and national media, and to build audience awareness and engagement.

'Immer besser’ B2B marketing

The commercial division of renowned German white goods manufacturer, Miele, was keen to boost awareness and sales of its products within the key commercial sectors of care, hotels, and veterinary practices.

A new approach to communications

Wax Digital identified the benefits of moving from outbound marketing towards an inbound approach, based on increased digital and social media activity and B2B tech PR for brand building. It understood that this would require a constant stream of compelling and engaging content, and that PR-led tier one media coverage would become increasingly critical in the battle to win over target customers.

The future of procurement

eProcurement software provider Wax Digital required a B2B marketing campaign that explored the future of procurement to position the business as an innovator in its sector.

Latest news and views

Things change quickly in the world of B2B marketing. With every ‘eureka!’ moment for new and disruptive technologies that herald to change the game, staying ahead of the curve is vitally important. Although artificial intelligence (AI) has been used by businesses for decades, today the technology is plastered across the news agenda. There’s also a swathe of other transformative technologies...

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