I know in tech PR we are meant to promote the ongoing development and use of B2B and B2C technologies in our lives but honestly – public money being spent on iPhone apps? Do we, the public, really need to be spoon fed to this degree in dealing with the everyday chores like renewing our car tax? While I absolutely promote effective use of technology I do think the need for cut backs may save us from losing sight of the fact that technology might provide us with many different solutions to living our lives, but it does itself a disservice when it doesn’t provide us with the right solutions. This is the crux of technology adoption in B2B or B2C sense – it has to deliver against a proven need, not just a trend, in order to be really successful. I certainly doubt the previous government had hard data to prove that iPhone apps were going to make us feel happy about renewing our car tax. Sorry tech PR community, I am probably going against the grain by saying this but lets stick to the technology we really need (which includes iPhone apps in the right places too!).